Category: Criminology

  • This assignment will have you looking in-depth into a recent EPA Environmental Crimes case using EPA data. Step 1: Go to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Crimes Case Bulletin and choose the most recent bulletin. Step 2: Write a 4 paragraph, 500 word essay on any of the cases that are featured for that…

  • for this assignment, select one of thr following therories anout sexual aggression towards individuals: ” sexual molvation, ***socialization,**** • machoism, • biological factors, and • psychological forces. Then, conduct research about the theory you selected, and report your findings. Explain the impact this theory has on a diverse society. Mention any cultural and social factors…

  • Discussion 1- Routine Activity and Social Disorganization What do routine activity theory and social disorganization theory have in common? Discussion 2- Crime and Low Self-Control Do you agree with the general theory of crime assumption that crime is the product of low-self control? Use one of the below theory Social Disorganization Theory – Delinquent Subcultures…

  • The paper is based off of this documentary. Policing the Police | Watch S2016 E12 | FRONTLINE | PBS | Official Site You are responsible for writing a video reflection. Your written reflection must be a critical and thoughtful reflection on the documentary. Your reflection paper must clearly demonstrate that you took time to fully…

  • Now, examine the cases discussed in Table 11-2 on the 14th Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause. Is the court’s interpretation any clearer? Please cite chapter 11 with in text page number citation from textbook: Alarid, L. F. and Reichel, P. L. (2018). Corrections, 3rd edition. Boston: Pearson. PDF of textbook is attached. Powerpoint of chapter 11…

  • The best way to identify strengths and weaknesses of an infrastructure sector is conducting a survey or vulnerability assessment. Following the parameters of the type of assessment tool being used, any weaknesses in the critical infrastructure component will be noted and brought to attention to the agencies responsible for the component. Many tools contain a…

  • Breaking news! There have been recent reports of a serious potential terrorist threat to an element of America’s infrastructure in your community. Suspicious actions by an individual who seems to be gathering information about a particular infrastructure section have been observed and reported to the police. In this assignment, you will address the question “What…

  • A major key in all frameworks of the infrastructure is the human element. The human is a link in the chain of human operations of maintenance, monitoring, and control of every aspect of infrastructure reliability, strength, and support. In an ironic twist of a two-sided blade, the human factor is both a strength and weakness.…

  • There is a notably challenging requirement for all emergency managers and homeland security professionals at all levels and across all sectors—coordinating plans with all potential stakeholders. Prospective partners can range from one incident to the next, but plans and planners must accommodate the needs, interests, and capabilities of all potential contributors so as to create…

  • The Federal Response to Hurricane Katrina Lessons Learned (February, 2006) recommended that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) establish a National Exercise and Evaluation Program (NEEP). By extension, the NEEP designated the Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP) as a way to standardize exercise planning and execution across governmental levels and sectors. Not all…