This assignment will have you looking in-depth into a recent EPA Environmental Crimes case using EPA data.
Step 1: Go to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Crimes Case Bulletin and choose the most recent bulletin.
Step 2: Write a 4 paragraph, 500 word essay on any of the cases that are featured for that bulletin:
Paragraph one: State the purpose of the essay, to use EPA data to describe a recent environmental crime and how federal (and possibly local) law enforcement and regulatory agencies dealt with it, and the outcome.
Paragraph two: Describe the case *PARAPHRASING*
Paragraph three: State what happened with this case from a law enforcement/regulatory perspective. Who did the investigation? Who prosecuted it, if there was a prosecution?
Paragraph four: State the outcome of that case, and reflect on the social, financial, and other harms caused by the crime. What did you think of the response and why?

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