write a three-page paper incorporating the following questions in essay format (no bulleted answers). Outside research is optional. Be sure that your paper demonstrates understanding of the course material.
Describe the involvement of police labor unions in American policing.
How are police labor unions impacting accountability? Provide examples from the videos/readings.
Why have bad labor union practices not been reformed?
What can local, state, and federal government agencies and the courts do to address the limitations placed on police department leaders operating within labor union constraints?
What other actions can be taken to properly reform the police without negatively impacting public safety in our communities?
Paper Guidelines
Use APA style to format your paper, including a cover page and reference list (abstract is not needed). Cite all sources using APA (in-text citations and references. This includes course materials.
Papers should be double-spaced with one-inch margins using standard 12-point font and contain at least three pages of content, not including the cover page and reference list.
Write this paper according to the 480 writing rules.
I will be grading on content (50%), following assignment guidelines (25%), and writing ability/readability (25%). Papers that do not meet the assignment requirements or cover material that is not related to the topic will receive a zero.

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